CEO Describes how to survive while working from home

Dipesh Pattni, the CEO of GravitasQ, shares insights on surviving the challenges of working remotely in a conversation about the remote work life. Having transitioned from a bustling agency to working alone, Pattni acknowledges the significant hurdles he faced. The foremost challenge was the overwhelming sense of loneliness, compounded by the absence of colleagues to bounce ideas off. He highlights the impact of this isolation on his mental state, leading to what he terms as the “Yoda effect” – where fear transforms into loneliness, frustration, reduced productivity, and ultimately self-doubt. Pattni emphasizes his innate inclination towards being a people person, thriving in a collaborative environment. The isolation forced him to adapt his working style, triggering self-reflection on the decision to work independently. Financial implications also played a role, as he initially earned less than in his agency days. This financial disparity further added to the self-questioning and evaluation of his worth. Pattni, however, recognizes that these surface-level challenges were mere manifestations of a deeper issue: mindset. According to him, having the right mindset is crucial for those struggling with remote work, especially amid the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns. Pattni suggests that a positive mindset alone is not sufficient; a structured approach and effective processes are equally vital for successful remote work. In conclusion, he underscores the significance of cultivating the right mindset and adopting practical strategies to navigate the complexities of working from home effectively.

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